B&Q Seasons

What we did

Direction / Shoot Production / Photography / Post Production


The concept was to shoot a complementary stills campaign for B&Q to run parallel with their latest TV commercial. The stills campaign needed to be a fully flexible set of assets for an image toolkit so that the client could release independent stills campaigns throughout the year.

The imagery needed to be easily adaptable so that any art worker could deploy specific promotions and themes quickly. The imagery also required being shot for various uses, including large outdoor signage, social and in-store point of sale.


Dangling from a great height while shooting B&Q staff act out different scenarios was always going to be fun. The photos were captured in a single day and featured an eager group of B&Q employees in a series of seasonal promotions.

Each shot scenario was styled, propped and dressed according to a season and all images built, retouched and graded back at our digital studio. Our experience in both shoot production and post-production always enables us to factor efficiencies when shooting multi-format projects like this.

Our smart approach and cross over knowledge give our clients and us the freedom and flexibility needed to deliver extensive multi delivery campaigns like this.


Behind the Scenes